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Introuduction to MATLAB

Lec1.1:  Array operations in MATLAB

Concepts covered in this lecture : " Link to ""Working with Arrays"" video on MATLAB website. Link to MATLAB Primer by Prof. Sigmon. Although it is 20 years old document, it is still useful! Link to Scilab Primer written for Process Control course. The first half of te document may also be useful in MATLAB. Get familiar with colon notations. In MATLAB, 1:5 means ""1 to 5 (in steps of 1)"". Likewise, 1:2:5 means ""1 to 5 in steps of 2, i.e., [1, 3, 5]. This returns a row vector. MATLAB naturally uses array/matrix operations. Get familiar with it by practice! "

Lec1.2: Loops and Execution control in MATLAB

Concepts covered in this lecture : " Link to MATLAB Primer by Prof. Sigmon. Although it is 20 years old document, it is still useful! Link to Scilab Primer written for Process Control course. The first half of the document may also be useful in MATLAB. for i = 1:3:10 means ""For values of i from 1 to 10 in steps of 3"". Thus, the loop will repeat itself for values of i = 1, 4, 7 and 10. "

Lec1.3: MATLAB Files -- Scripts and Functions

Concepts covered in this lecture : " Link to ""Writing a MATLAB Program"" video on MATLAB website. Link to MATLAB Primer by Prof. Sigmon. Although it is 20 years old document, it is still useful! Link to Scilab Primer written for Process Control course. The first half of the document may also be useful in MATLAB. "

Lec1.4: Plotting and Output

Concepts covered in this lecture : " Link to ""Using Basic Plotting Functions"" video on MATLAB website. Link to MATLAB Primer by Prof. Sigmon. Although it is 20 years old document, it is still useful! Link to Scilab Primer written by me a few years back in Controls course. First part of this document may also be useful in MATLAB. The basic function for plotting is plot(xValues,yValues,'-bo'). The last (optional) part tells MATLAB how to plot. The first - tells that it is a solid-line; the second b tells it is blue color; third o tells MATLAB to put circle-symbols for the data plotted. Use disp to display on screen. Use num2str to convert numbers to strings for printing. "

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