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Optics: Learning by Computing, with Examples Using Maple, MathCad, Matlab, Mathematica, and Maple by Karl Dieter Moeller

This new edition is intended for a one semester course in optics for juniors and seniors in science and engineering. It uses scripts from Maple, MathCad, Mathematica, and MATLAB to provide a simulated laboratory where students can learn by exploration and discovery instead of passive absorption.
The text covers all the standard topics of a traditional optics course. It contains step by step derivations of all basic formulas in geometrical, wave and Fourier optics. The threefold arrangement of text, applications, and files makes the book suitable for "self-learning" by scientists or engineers who would like to refresh their knowledge of optics.
The book can be used in optical laboratories with faculty-student interaction. The files may be changed and extended to study the assigned projects, and the student may be required to hand in printouts of all assigned applications and summarize what he has been learned. 

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