Runge-Kutta(Order 4) Algorithm using MATLAB (m-file)
MATLAB Programs:
% Runge-Kutta(Order 4) Algorithm
% Approximate the solution to the initial-value problem
% dy/dt=y-t^2+1 ; 0<=t<=2 ; y(0)=0.5;
f = @(t,y) (y-t^2+1);
a = input('Enter left end ponit, a: ');
b = input('Enter right end point, b: ');
n = input('Enter no. of subintervals, n: '); % n=(b-a)/h
alpha = input('Enter the initial condition, alpha: ');
h = (b-a)/n;
t = a;
w = alpha;
fprintf(' t w\n');
fprintf('%5.3f %11.7f\n', t, w);
for i = 1:n
k1 = h*f(t,w);
k2 = h*f(t+h/2.0, w+k1/2.0);
k3 = h*f(t+h/2.0, w+k2/2.0);
k4 = h*f(t+h,w+k3);
w = w+(k1+2.0*(k2+k3)+k4)/6.0;
t = a+i*h;
fprintf('%5.3f %11.7f\n', t, w);
plot(t,w,'b*'); grid on;
xlabel('t values'); ylabel('w values');
hold on;
Enter left end ponit, a: 0
Enter right end point, b: 2
Enter no. of subintervals, n: 10
Enter the initial condition, alpha: 0.5
t w
0.000 0.5000000
0.200 0.8292933
0.400 1.2140762
0.600 1.6489220
0.800 2.1272027
1.000 2.6408227
1.200 3.1798942
1.400 3.7323401
1.600 4.2834095
1.800 4.8150857
2.000 5.3053630
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