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Generate SystemVerilog DPI for Analog Mixed-Signal Verification

Learn how to increase the productivity of IC/ASIC verification processes by exporting MATLAB® and Simulink® models into verification environments.

Using HDL Verifier™ with Simulink Coder™ or Embedded Coder®, you can export a Simulink subsystem as a SystemVerilog DPI component for behavioral simulation in digital or analog/mixed-signal simulators from Cadence®, Synopsys®, and Mentor Graphics®. You can model and export algorithms, components, environment models, and data sources using this method.

In this webinar, we show how to:

- Prepare mixed-signal models for SystemVerilog DPI component generation
- Generate a SystemVerilog DPI component from your Simulink model
- Import and simulate an equivalent behavioral SystemVerilog DPI component for analog/mixed-signal simulation using Cadence Virtuoso® AMS Designer

Learn about ASIC design and verification:

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