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What Is Simulink Requirements?

Simulink Requirements™ lets you author, import, and manage requirements within Simulink®, track their implementation and verification status, and quickly respond to requirements changes.

You can create, view, and organize hierarchies of requirements. Requirements from external sources can be imported and updated directly within Simulink. You can complete a round-trip workflow with other tools using an industry-standard interchange format.

Traceability to designs can be quickly created through drag and drop. You can show requirements content directly in the diagram without modifying the model.

You can also link requirements to test cases to track their verification status. The implementation and verification statuses show the completeness of designs and related tests.

Establishing full lifecycle traceability with Simulink Requirements enables you to document that requirements are being met, understand the impact of any changes, and bidirectionally navigate between requirements, designs, generated code, and test cases.

Learn more about automating verification and validation with Simulink:

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