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Introduction to Signal Processing Apps in MATLAB

This video highlights how to use MATLAB® apps for signal processing and demonstrates the functionality of relevant apps using a demo on preprocessing and analyzing an electrocardiogram (ECG) signal.

First, Liping introduces the Signal Analyzer app, the Filter Builder and Filter Designer apps, the Wavelet Signal Denoiser app, and the Signal Multiresolution Analyzer app.

Liping uses the Signal Analyzer app to import, visualize, analyze, and preprocess an ECG signal. Preprocessing includes filtering and detrending.

Next, the Signal Multiresolution Analyzer app is used to perform multiresolution analysis, through which the low frequency component representing the signal trend has been removed, and the ECG signal without trend has been reconstructed.

Finally, Liping summarizes the benefits of using MATLAB apps to do signal processing.

Understanding Wavelets (5 videos): Trend Detection and Isolation : Feature Detection and Extraction Using Wavelets, Part 1: Feature Detection Using Wavelets:

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