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ECG's QRS Peak Detection and Heart Rate Estimation using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) in MATLAB

a scheme is presented to detect QRS complex (R-Peaks) of an ECG signal using un-decimated Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). It is shown that how band pass filtering of ECG signal is achieved to preserve R-peaks using DWT which is superior than frequency selective BPF. Also by counting total number of R-peaks, Heart Rate (in beats per minute) is  calculated. Also robustness of the proposed scheme is shown on different types of ECG signals taken from MIT-BIH arrhythmia and ECG-ID databases from PhysioNet.  

This video has following contents:

* What is QRS Complex in ECG signal? 
* ECG Database on PhysioNet.
* An introduction to Symlet4 wavelet.
* Proposed DWT based Algorithm for R-Peak detection and Heart Rate estimation.
* MATLAB Code for R-Peak detection and Heart Rate estimation. 

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