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Wavelet Transform Analysis of Images using MATLAB and SIMULINK

in this video, Wavelet transforms analysis of 2-D signals (Images) using MATLAB and SIMULINK is explained. This video includes the following components,

* Wavelets for 2-D signals (Images).
* Wavelet Analysis and Synthesis of images using filter banks.
* Wavelet analysis of images using ‘WaveletAnalyzer’ tool of MATLAB.
* Use of dwt2, idwt2, wavedec2 and waverec2 MATLAB functions.
* SIMULINK model to perform wavelet transform of an image.

Wavelet transform is a very powerful tool in the field of Signal and Image processing. It is also very useful in many other areas. Therefore, it becomes important to go through the wavelet theory to get better understanding of signal and image processing applications.

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