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External Mode Simulation with XCP Communication

External mode simulation helps you establish a communication channel between your Simulink® model and the target hardware. The channel runs the executable file in real time and is created by the build and code generation process.

The communication channel could be the Universal Measurement and Calibration Protocol (XCP) on TCP/IP or XCP on Serial. You can use the channel to:
• Tune parameters in real-time with dashboard blocks
• Monitor and log signal data from the executing target application
• Stream data to the Simulation Data Inspector or Logic Analyzer
• Stream signals for referenced models from within a model hierarchy

You can also generate an A2L file including its XCP slave address by choosing ert.tlc (requires Embedded Coder®). This A2L file can be used directly with any third-party calibration tools that support XCP.

Customize your XCP slave software to run on your hardware by following these instructions: See which XCP-based external mode simulations are enabled to the commercial and maker targets supported by Simulink code generation products: Try the external mode over XCP feature by following this documentation:

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