MATLAB SVM tutorial (fitcsvm) with code
clear; close all; clc;
%% preparing dataset
load fisheriris
species_num = grp2idx(species);
% binary classification 형태로 만들기 위해 100개만...
X = randn(100,10);
X(:,[1,3,5,7]) = meas(1:100,:); % 1, 3, 5, 7 번 feature가 분류에 유용한 feature일 것임.
y = species_num(1:100);
rand_num = randperm(size(X,1));
X_train = X(rand_num(1:round(0.8*length(rand_num))),:);
y_train = y(rand_num(1:round(0.8*length(rand_num))),:);
X_test = X(rand_num(round(0.8*length(rand_num))+1:end),:);
y_test = y(rand_num(round(0.8*length(rand_num))+1:end),:);
%% CV partition
c = cvpartition(y_train,'k',5);
%% feature selection
opts = statset('display','iter');
classf = @(train_data, train_labels, test_data, test_labels)...
sum(predict(fitcsvm(train_data, train_labels,'KernelFunction','rbf'), test_data) ~= test_labels);
[fs, history] = sequentialfs(classf, X_train, y_train, 'cv', c, 'options', opts,'nfeatures',2);
%% Best hyperparameter
X_train_w_best_feature = X_train(:,fs);
Md1 = fitcsvm(X_train_w_best_feature,y_train,'KernelFunction','rbf','OptimizeHyperparameters','auto',...
'expected-improvement-plus','ShowPlots',true)); % Bayes' Optimization 사용.
%% Final test with test set
X_test_w_best_feature = X_test(:,fs);
test_accuracy_for_iter = sum((predict(Md1,X_test_w_best_feature) == y_test))/length(y_test)*100
%% hyperplane 확인
hgscatter = gscatter(X_train_w_best_feature(:,1),X_train_w_best_feature(:,2),y_train);
hold on;
% test set의 data를 하나 하나씩 넣어보자.
% decision plane
XLIMs = get(gca,'xlim');
YLIMs = get(gca,'ylim');
[xi,yi] = meshgrid([XLIMs(1):0.01:XLIMs(2)],[YLIMs(1):0.01:YLIMs(2)]);
dd = [xi(:), yi(:)];
pred_mesh = predict(Md1, dd);
redcolor = [1, 0.8, 0.8];
bluecolor = [0.8, 0.8, 1];
pos = find(pred_mesh == 1);
h1 = plot(dd(pos,1), dd(pos,2),'s','color',redcolor,'Markersize',5,'MarkerEdgeColor',redcolor,'MarkerFaceColor',redcolor);
pos = find(pred_mesh == 2);
h2 = plot(dd(pos,1), dd(pos,2),'s','color',bluecolor,'Markersize',5,'MarkerEdgeColor',bluecolor,'MarkerFaceColor',bluecolor);
legend([hgscatter;h_sv],{'setosa','versicolor','support vectors'})
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