Trapezoidal periodic waves using MATLAB with code
%% user input
f = 500; %fundamental frequency
P = 2000; %number of periods
N=40; %partial harmonics
%% build 1 period trapezoid wave and plot
Fs = 44100; %sampling frequency
x = 0:1/Fs:1/f-1/Fs; %time vector
T=0; %initialize expansion
for n=1:N %build 1 period trapezoid wave
A = (3*cos(2*pi*n/3)-3)/(pi^2*n^2);
T = T+A*cos(2*pi*n*f*x);
%% repeat for P periods and play sound
Tloop = repmat(T,1,P); %repeat loop
sound(Tloop,Fs) %play sound
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