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Open Science with MATLAB

Researchers can use MATLAB® for their Open Science projects and make their scientific output available and accessible for their communities. MATLAB supports a variety of data formats and can interface with publicly available databases, allowing researchers easy access to data and the ability to analyze open data. Creating computational notebooks with MATLAB live scripts produces readable code and helps create a story combining code, images, results, and equations all in one document. MATLAB File Exchange contains more than 40,000 open-source MATLAB code repositories developed by users that are freely available either via the web platform or as add-ons from the MATLAB desktop interface. Researchers looking to make their MATLAB code reusable and reproducible can now upload them on Open Science reproducibility platforms like Code Ocean and WholeTale. These sites provide a permanent home for scientific code where it can be run and tested by everybody, including those without a license. MATLAB interoperability with other languages including Python® enables hybrid workflows where researchers can combine several languages for complex projects. Finally, when it comes to scaling up beyond local resources, MATLAB cloud offerings let researchers use their licenses with remote HPC centers, Docker containers, science gateways, and cloud compute services such as AWS® and Azure®. - Use MATLAB in the Cloud:

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