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What Is Bluetooth LE? | Simulate and Design Bluetooth LE Systems using MATLAB

Bluetooth® LE is a wireless communication protocol introduced in Bluetooth 4.0. It was designed to consume significantly less power than Bluetooth Classic and supports applications such as health care, audio, industrial automation, consumer electronics, and localization.

Understand the typical challenges associated with modeling Bluetooth LE systems, such as coexistence with WLAN and scheduling requirements. Simulate Bluetooth LE systems, and analyze and visualize network performance using MATLAB® and Bluetooth Toolbox. These performance metrics include energy consumption, latency, packet delivery ratio, and bit error rate.

Apply Bluetooth LE system design to key applications such as localization, mesh networking, and LE Audio. Localization is a technique used to track the position of Bluetooth LE devices using one or multiple locator nodes. It is accomplished using triangulation techniques, such as angle of arrival (AoA) and angle of departure (AoD). Mesh networking utilizes managed flooding to increase the robustness of sensor networks that must operate for years without maintenance. LE Audio is an evolution to Bluetooth audio, which enables applications such as multi-stream audio, audio sharing, and support for hearing aids.

Use MATLAB and Bluetooth Toolbox to simulate and design Bluetooth LE systems for these application areas.

- Explore Bluetooth Toolbox:
- Explore Bluetooth LE documentation:
- Explore MathWorks Wireless Communications:

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