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What Is Instrument Control Toolbox?


Have you ever wondered how to efficiently communicate with and control various test instruments for hardware design verification? Instrument Control Toolbox is here to revolutionize your testing process by enabling direct communication with test equipment and automating test systems. Let's dive deeper into the capabilities of this powerful toolbox!

Streamlining Hardware Design Verification

Instrument Control Toolbox empowers you to interact with a diverse range of instruments, facilitating the seamless verification of hardware designs. Imagine being able to automate your test systems, ensuring efficient and comprehensive testing of your hardware designs. With this toolbox, the possibilities are endless.

Seamless MATLAB to RF Signal Generator Communication

One of the standout features of Instrument Control Toolbox is its ability to send and analyze waveforms between MATLAB and RF signal generators. Picture this - you can seamlessly transmit waveforms from MATLAB to an RF signal generator via an RF signal. Furthermore, the received data can be analyzed in MATLAB for thorough quality verification, providing you with a comprehensive testing experience.

Configuring and Receiving Data from Test Instruments

The flexibility of Instrument Control Toolbox shines through its support for text-based communication using SCPI commands through common hardware interfaces. This toolbox is truly a game-changer, as it is compatible with a wide range of instruments including oscilloscopes, function generators, and network analyzers. Say goodbye to compatibility concerns and embrace the power of seamless communication with a variety of test instruments.

Effortless Device Control Without MATLAB Code

Instrument Control Toolbox simplifies the control of devices by offering intuitive apps for device control without the need for extensive coding. The VISA Explorer app is a standout feature, enabling users to effortlessly send text-based SCPI commands to connected devices and configure instruments. This level of ease and convenience in device control is truly revolutionary.

Unlocking Advanced Connectivity and Integration

The capabilities of Instrument Control Toolbox extend beyond basic functionality, offering seamless connectivity to instruments with IVI drivers, and even allowing the conversion of any workflow from the tool into a MATLAB script with the MATLAB code log. With the Instrument Explorer app, users can effortlessly connect to instruments with IVI drivers, browse IVI driver functions and properties, and communicate with the instruments, unlocking advanced levels of integration.

Unleashing Automated Communication with Test Equipment

Instrument Control Toolbox streamlines the process of communicating with test equipment, offering the flexibility to automate these interactions. Additionally, the MATLAB compiler provides the capability to deploy custom interfaces on computers without MATLAB, revolutionizing accessibility and expanding the reach of your testing systems.


In conclusion, Instrument Control Toolbox equips you with the tools and capabilities to revolutionize the process of communicating with and controlling test equipment. With seamless integration, advanced connectivity, and automated communication, the potential for efficient and comprehensive testing is truly limitless. Unlock the full potential of your test equipment today with Instrument Control Toolbox.

Watch this video to demonstration 

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