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Algorithms for Battery Management Systems Specialization


As the world increasingly pivots towards sustainable energy solutions, the demand for efficient battery management systems (BMS) has never been higher. Coursera’s "Algorithms for Battery Management Systems" Specialization, offered by the University of Colorado System, is a comprehensive program designed to equip learners with the skills needed to design, implement, and optimize BMS for lithium-ion batteries. Here's a detailed look at what this specialization offers and why it's a game-changer for aspiring engineers and industry professionals.

What You Will Learn

This five-course series delves into the critical functions of battery management systems, focusing on lithium-ion battery cells. Here's a breakdown of the key learning outcomes:

  1. Designing Equivalent-Circuit Models: Learn to create models that accurately represent the behavior of lithium-ion battery cells, a fundamental skill for developing robust BMS.
  2. State-of-Charge (SOC) Estimation: Gain expertise in implementing SOC estimators, essential for predicting how much charge a battery has left, which is crucial for both battery longevity and reliability.
  3. State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation: Understand how to evaluate the health of a battery over time, ensuring that the battery operates safely and efficiently.
  4. Battery Pack Balancing and Power Estimation: Learn the techniques to balance cells within a battery pack and estimate power limits, ensuring optimal performance and safety.

Courses in the Specialization

  1. Introduction to Battery-Management Systems: Offers a comprehensive overview of lithium-ion battery cells and the requirements of a battery management system.
  2. Equivalent Circuit Cell Model Simulation: Focuses on the design of equivalent-circuit models for battery cells.
  3. Battery State-of-Charge (SOC) Estimation: Covers methods to implement SOC estimators for accurate charge measurement.
  4. Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation: Teaches the implementation of SOH estimators to assess battery capacity and resistance.
  5. Battery Pack Balancing and Power Estimation: Details the design of balancers and power-limits estimators for battery packs.

Why This Specialization Stands Out

  • Industry-Relevant Skills: The skills you gain are directly applicable to the industry, making you job-ready upon completion.
  • Flexible Learning: With a flexible schedule, you can learn at your own pace, making it ideal for professionals and students alike.
  • Hands-On Projects: Practical projects using Octave/MATLAB allow you to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios, enhancing your learning experience.

Who Should Enroll?

This specialization is ideal for those with a background in Electrical, Computer, or Mechanical Engineering, or a closely related field. If you have a bachelor's degree and a solid understanding of calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, and basic electronics, this course will build on your existing knowledge and take your skills to the next level.

Enroll Today - Mastering Battery Management: Coursera's Algorithms for Battery Management Systems Specialization

Ready to advance your career in battery management systems? Enroll in Coursera's Algorithms for Battery Management Systems Specialization today and join thousands of learners who are mastering in-demand skills to power the future. 

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