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How to Average a Signal Using Simulink?

 Watch this detailed introduction to signal averaging using Simulink. Averaging is the one of the most commonly applied signal processing algorithms. There are many forms of averaging and each method has its own advantages. You’ll learn about running averages, sliding window or FIR-based averages, and exponential or IIR-based averages and when you would use one method versus another. Signal averaging serves one of two purposes, either to reduce noise or to better estimate it. 

You’ll learn how these averaging algorithms work at the detailed block diagram level as applied to streaming time series data. The focus is on signal processing applications but these same averaging techniques apply to other domains as well, e.g. financial or stock market data. 

You can download the R2024a examples used in this video here:

Learn more:

- Moving Average:

- dsp.MovingAverage:

- Spectrum Analyzer:


0:00 Introduce Different Types of Signal Averaging 

2:10 Walk Through of a Running Average Implementation 

3:46 Test Running Average Model 

5:38 Brute-Force Moving Average Implementation 

8:55 Efficient Vectorized Delay-Line based Moving Average Implementation 

10:10 FIR-based Moving Average Implementation 

10:30 CIC-based Moving Average Implementation 

11:30 Moving Average from Sliding Window in DSP System Toolbox 

12:10 Using the Scope Legend to turn traces on and off 

12:34 Walk-through of the Fixed-Coefficient Exponential Averaging Approach 

14:22 Walk-through of the Dynamic-Coefficient Exponential Averaging Approach 

16:15 Exponential Averaging block Implementation from DSP System Toolbox 

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