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Spectral and Synchronous Averaging

 Specifically, learn how to combine running, exponential, sliding, and weighted moving averages in unique ways that lead to novel averaging approaches such as the triple exponent moving average and the Hull moving average. You’ll also see how these same averaging techniques are applied in the frequency domain to power spectrums using the Simulink Spectrum Estimator and Spectrum Analyzer blocks. 

Get started now by downloading the examples in this demonstration on GitHub®:

Learn more:

- Moving Average:

- dsp.MovingAverage:

- Spectrum Analyzer:


00:00 Introduce Different Types of Signal Averaging 

02:10 Walkthrough of a Running Average Implementation 

03:46 Test Running Average Model 

05:38 Brute-Force Moving Average Implementation 

08:55 Efficient Vectorized Delay Line–Based Moving Average Implementation 

10:10 FIR-Based Moving Average Implementation 

10:30 CIC-Based Moving Average Implementation 

11:30 Moving Average from Sliding Window in DSP System Toolbox 

12:10 Using the Scope Legend to Turn Traces On and Off 

12:34 Walkthrough of the Fixed-Coefficient Exponential Averaging Approach 

14:22 Walkthrough of the Dynamic-Coefficient Exponential Averaging Approach 

16:15 Exponential Averaging Block Implementation from DSP System Toolbox

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