Mathematical Modelling with Case Studies: Using Maple and MATLAB, Third Edition
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB by David Halpern Howard B. Wilson , Louis H. Turcotte
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation Routines in C, C++, Fortran, Java, Maple, and MATLAB by H.J. Lee , W.E. Schiesser
Solving ODEs with MATLAB by L. F. Shampine , I. Gladwell, S. Thompson
Elementary Mathematical and Computational Tools for Electrical and Computer Engineers Using MATLAB by Jamal T. Manassah
MATLAB Program:
Jacobi method to solve the equation using MATLAB(mfile)
Gaussian elimination with backward substitution
Bisection Method for Solving non-linear equations using MATLAB(mfile)
Newton-Raphson Method for Solving non-linear equations in MATLAB(mfile)
Secant Method for Solving non-linear equations in MATLAB(mfile)
Fixed-point iteration Method for Solving non-linear equations in MATLAB(mfile)
MATLAB Program for Interpolation:
Newton's Divided Difference for Numerical Interpolation using MATLAB(mfile)
Neville interpolation using MATLAB
Hermite interpolation using MATLAB
Natural cubic spline interpolation using MATLAB
MATLAB Program for ODE:
MATLAB Program for Numerical Integration:
Gaussian Quadrature Algorithm using MATLAB(m file)
Adaptive Quadrature Algorithm using MATLAB (m file)
Romberg integration algorithm using MATLAB
Simpsons Algorithm for numerical integration using MATLAB
Trapezoid rule for numerical integration using MATLAB
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