Matlab Interview Questions
1) Explain what is MatLab? Where MatLab can be applicable?
MatLab is a high-level programming language with an interactive environment for visualization, numerical computation and programming function.
Matlab can be applicable at numerous instances like
• Allows matrix manipulations
• Plotting of functions and data
• Implementation of algorithms
• Creation of user interfaces
• Analyze data
• Develop algorithm
• Create models and applications
• Interfacing with programs written in other languages ( C++, C, Java and Fortran)
• Plotting of functions and data
• Implementation of algorithms
• Creation of user interfaces
• Analyze data
• Develop algorithm
• Create models and applications
• Interfacing with programs written in other languages ( C++, C, Java and Fortran)
2) What does MatLab consist of?
MatLab consists of five main parts
• MatLab Language
• MatLab working environment
• Handle Graphics
• MatLab function library
• MatLab Application Program Interface (API)
• MatLab working environment
• Handle Graphics
• MatLab function library
• MatLab Application Program Interface (API)
3) Explain MatLab API (Application Program Interface)?
MatLab API is a library that enables you to write Fortran and C programs that interact with MatLab. It contains the facilities for calling routines from MatLab, for reading and writing Mat files and calling Matlab as a computational engine.
4) What are the types of loops does Matlab provides?
Matlab provides loops like
• While Loop
• For Loop
• Nested Loops
• For Loop
• Nested Loops
5) List out the operators that MatLab allows?
Matlab allows following Operators
• Arithmetic Operators
• Relational Operators
• Logical Operators
• Bitwise Operations
• Set Operations
• Relational Operators
• Logical Operators
• Bitwise Operations
• Set Operations
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